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2018 Patrick Piuze Chablis: The Hits Keep on Coming!

2018 Patrick Piuze Chablis: The Hits Keep on Coming!

"Here is a truly thrilling new producer of hand-crafted Chablis, designed to showcase the individuality of different terroirs, not just at premier (and one grand) cru level, but within that very substantial area devoted to AC Chablis."
Jancis Robinson 
As some of the more wine savvy amongst you will surely know, the last couple of years have seen massive frost and shortages in Chablis. This has occurred in numerous parts of Burgundy. Up and down the ladder scarcity exists due to extreme hail and frost. Some vineyards lost all of their crop while most in the realm of 50% and up.  For what remains, there is greatness, especially in Chablis. But there are numerous shortages and due to the basic economic idea called "supply and demand" prices are rising a bit. However, we are very lucky in that 2018 is a bit different but still running the tail end of the years past.
Enter Patrick Piuze. At Some Good Wine we have been huge fans and are one of the top sellers of his wines up and down. The 2018s are a fascinating mix. Overall, they are round and wholesome with the always evolving terroir distinctions. Razor sharp but flirty with their acid and avoiding the mistake of killing the fruit and juicy roundness that when done right, should all come together and make the dimples move into the eyes with carelessness. Good Chablis has a mind of its own and can easily exist as a Chardonnay of exquisite being and uniqueness like the boys down south and when you see the QPR (quality price ratio) there is no reason not to be a Chabliever. (cross between Chablis and believer which I coined a year ago and will use it until something terrible happens to Justin Bieber that makes it no longer funny or relevant.)
To quote my friend Michele Peters who is responsible for these wines in the U.S.:
“2018 was a bountiful vintage, the largest crop that many winemakers had seen in their lifetime; which is a big relief considering that yields the last five years have been well under average. Not only was it plentiful, but it was a great growing season and the grapes were in perfect health at harvest. We just tasted through all of Piuze's 2018's in April and the wines show ample fruit and a lot of freshness. Piuze does not use any temperature control during fermentation and he explained that allowing the temperature to rise gives more dry extract in the wines, giving a feeling of freshness and structure. Total potential alcohol ranges from 11.8 - 12.2%, relatively low for the region as Piuze harvests on the early side. Piuze 2018's have it all - great aromatics, a kaleidoscope of fruit, and the structure to age for the mid-term for those who can wait."
Below is the entire line-up available from 2018. I had the pleasure of being one of the first people to taste the village wines which makes me one of the first to taste 2018 Chablis in general. The premier cru and grand crus are not available until the Fall but as always, I have chosen the ones we sell on a constant basis.  
  • 10% off any 6, 15% off any 12
  • Some Wines are Available Now while the Premier Crus and Grand Crus Arrive in the Fall
2018 Patrick Piuze Bourgogne Aligoté “1953” 
Sale Price: $24.99
First vintage for this wine to hit the U.S. after Michele Peters begged for it. From an old Aligoté plot in Saint-Bris, planted in 1953. Fermented and aged 50% in barrel, 50% in tank. Impressive saline and mineral notes with a crisp acidity.
2018 Patrick Piuze Chablis Bourgogne Tonnerre Boutots
Sale Price: $25.99
From a south-facing vineyard in the commune of Vaulicheres, east of Chablis. Two-thirds of the fruit is barrel-fermented and aged, the remaining fruit is made in tank.
2018 Patrick Piuze Chablis Terroir de Chablis
Sale Price: $28.99
From two parcels, both north-facing, very near to 1er Cru Montmains. Fresh and rich on the palate with an herbal finish. Fermented and aged two-thirds in neutral
barrels and one-third in tank.
2018 Patrick Piuze Chablis Terroir de Courgis
Sale Price: $31.99
From a single vineyard on the left bank with clay topsoil on top of Kimmeridgian limestone bedrock, this is typically the most weighty (think ripe, round fruit) of the
Terroir wines.
2018 Patrick Piuze Chablis “Plateau de la Cornasse”
Sale Price: $30.99
From a parcel in Beine on the west side of Chablis. Vinified and aged in tank. Bright acidity with more tropical fruit.
2018 Patrick Piuze Chablis “Terroir de Fleys”
Sale Price: $35.99 
From a vineyard near the eponymous village on the right bank of the Serein and very near to the 1er Cru Mont de Milieu. Normally the village level wines are fermented and aged in tank, this vineyard has such great quality, that Piuze treated it like his 1er and Grand Cru vineyards, fermenting and aging the wine entirely in neutral barrels for ten months.
2018 Patrick Piuze Chablis “Terroir de Fye”
Sale Price: $30.99
From a 2.5 hectare parcel sits just opposite Blanchots, surrounding a little château that you can see from the top of the Grand Cru hill near the subclimate Chapelot in 1er Cru Montée de Tonnerre. Fermented and aged entirely in stainless steel tanks; characterized by floral aromatics and ripe pit fruit on the palate.
2018 Patrick Piuze Chablis “La Grande Vallée”
Sale Price: $36.99
From the Les Pargues vineyard in the valley between the 1er Cru Montmains hill and 1er Cru Vaillons hill; this is considered a top site by the monks. Piuze treats this wine like his 1er or Grand Cru sites and vinifies and ages in neutral oak.
2018 Patrick Piuze Chablis 1er Cru Butteaux
Sale Price: $73.99
From 75-year-old vines on Kimmeridgian limestone and clay soil. Butteaux is a sub-climate of 1er Cru Montmains.This wine has a 1er Cru richness.
2018 Patrick Piuze Chablis 1er Cru Fôrets
Sale Price: $59.99
From a single parcel of 70-year-old vines (bordering Dauvissat’s vineyards) located on the left bank of the Serein. The top soil has a pretty even mix of chalk and clay, giving salty and savory mineral notes.
2018 Patrick Piuze Chablis 1er Cru Montee de Tonnerre (Extremely Limited)
Sale Price: $74.99
From a single parcel of 70-year-old vines located on the right bank of the Serein River in the sub-climate of Montee de Tonnerre.
2018 Patrick Piuze Chablis 1er Cru Les Roncières 
Sale Price : $59.99
Roncières is a sub-climat of Vaillons with 35-year-old vines and eastern exposure.
2018 Patrick Piuze Chablis 1er Cru Les Sechets
Sale Price: $65.99
Sechets is also a sub-climate of 1er Cru Vaillons. Minots is the warmest part of the valley an as the valley opens up, the sites are cooler. Nice concentration with
passion fruit and a salty minerality.
2018 Patrick Piuze Chablis 1er Cru Vaillon Minots
Sale Price: $59.99
‘Les Minots’ is a specific parcel within 1er Cru Vaillons with 70-year-old vines that benefit from southern exposure. It’s Patrick’s warmest vineyard and normally the first to be harvested. Fermented and aged in used barrels. Creamy citrus fruit with a nice minerality.
2018 Patrick Piuze Chablis Grand Cru Blanchots
Sale Price: $87.99
On the right bank of the Serein River, with southern exposure and vines which average 40 years old. Vinified and aged in neutral barrels. A very stoney soil that
always shows white flowers on the nose and a lot of minerality.
2018 Patrick Piuze Chablis Grand Cru Bougros “Côte de Bouqueyraux” (Extremely Limited)
Sale Price: $109.99
Côte de Bouqueyraux refers to a unique section of terroir along the Bougros Grand Cru vineyards. In this area, vineyards slope at a 45° angle, and the vines grow
on bedrock soil. A nice richness in 2017, balanced by intense stoney character.
2018 Patrick Piuze Chablis Grand Cru Bougros 
Sale Price: $79.99
From vines planted in 1956 that are located on the plateau. The one-case limit per customer is due to the heavy frost, which severely reduced yields.
2018 Patrick Piuze Chablis Grand Cru Les Clos (Extremely Limited)
Sale Price: $129.99
From two parcels: one near Blanchots, and the other near Valmur.
2018 Patrick Piuze Chablis Preusses Grand Cru (Extremely Limited)
Sale Price: $129.99
The aristocrat! From a plot planted in 1965 that grows in Kimmeridgian limestone and clay soil, on the right bank of the Serein River with western exposure.
2018 Patrick Piuze Chablis Valmur Grand Cru
Sale Price: $107.99
Located on the right bank of the Serein, with southern exposure. In the name of this vineyard, “val” refers to “valley” and “mur” is “ripe” in French; in this Valley of Ripeness parcel, the grapes reach full maturity and give a wine with a lot of roundness and rich fruit.
Previous article Arrival of 2017 Xavier Gerard Cote Rotie